
2 Orange
4 Lemon
1 Apple
1 Pear
1 LB of Grapes
1/4 CUP Sugar
1/4 CUP Brandy OR AMARETTO Licour
1/2 CUP of Water
2 CUP of Red wine

洋ナシ又は梨 1個(ダイス切り)
ぶどう 一房(皮ははがさず、房からはずす)


1-Mix the waterwith the Sugar
2-ADD The juice of the 2 Orange and the juice of Lemon
3-ADD Ice Frappe mix wellL
4-Pell The Fruts and cut in small squares
5-ADD To the mix
6-Last add the wine and Brandy or AMARETTO
7-Serve chill



■Chicken vegitable paella

2 medium chicken breast
1 pound of baby shrimp
1/4 green beans
8 asparagus
1/4 teaspoon of saffron
1/4 teaspoon of papikra
1/4 cup of red pepper
1/4 cup of green pepper
3 tablespoon of olive oil
3 medium garlic cloves
4 cups vegetable stock
1 tomato
2 cups of rice
1/2 cup cup of frozen peas
1/4 of cup of parsley
salt to taste

◆チキン胸肉 2枚
いんげん 1/4カップ
サフラン 小さじ1/4
パプリカ 小さじ1/4
赤ピーマン 1/4カップ
ピーマン 1/4カップ
オリーブオイル 大さじ3
にんにく 3個
野菜のスープストック 4カップ
トマト 1個
米 2カップ
グリンピース 1/2カップ
パセリ 1/4カップ


1-Set, a large pot of water to boil, meanwhile prepare the asparagus and peas..when the water is boiling add Both to the water..boil for 5 min. until barely tender and transfer to a boil, set aside. dissolve crushed saffron and papikra in hot stock and keep at a low simmer.

2-slice peppers, in saute pan warm a tablespoon of olive oil in medium heat, add garlic and saute pepper until soft. Set aside to cool. cook the chicken and shrimp in advance and set side. bring vegetable broth to boil.

3-In a shallow ten-inch skilled, heat the remain of the olive oil, garlic and saute one minute. Add grated tomato, stirring frequently to prevent burning. pour rice stirring to coat on oil. add the vegetable broth, chicken and shrimp... stir ones and boil ten min. in high heat.

4-reduce heat, and simmer for 5 min. or longer. add green beans, asparagus, peppers and peas. simmer until the liquid in the pan has evaporated. let set..do not stir at this point.

5-garnish with parsley and lemon if desired.
