ニキズキッチン 外国人を中心とした自宅で習う料理教室
Let’s cook something delicious and have a good time together! My name is Donald and I am living in Nishihara.
I am a Hungarian who was born in Serbia (ex Yugoslavia). I am a professional cook and finished my studies in Hungary. I used to work in several restaurants for almost 10 years. Every four years I am moving to another country, and this is my second year in Japan.
I can teach you Hungarian and Serbian meals as well.
English speaking lessons.
(ドナルド) ハンガリーの美食 炎のガンデルパンケーキ ●講師自宅
(ドナルド) フォアグラ! ハンガリーのシェフによる特別クラス ●講師自宅
(ドナルド) ハンガリーの夏の夕べ ●講師自宅