ニキズキッチン 外国人を中心とした自宅で習う料理教室
Takadanobaba, English class.
My name is Pierre. I came to Tokyo 10 years ago, fascinated by Japanese subculture. I am currently a French teacher. For me, cooking is an important way to connect my family.
I grew up near Bordeaux, France and had a busy but enjoyable childhood with my three grandmothers. My father's mother lived in Lille, near the French-Belgian border, an area famous for its beets and chicory. Meanwhile, my other grandmother fled to France during Mussolini's rule of Italy and ran a truffle and foie gras farm. Finally, my mother-in-law's mother was from the Basque Country, known for its gastronomy.
I learned a lot about various cuisines from these three great culinary grandmothers and learned a lot in their homes as I traveled back and forth. I learned a lot at their house, and that learning still has a big influence on my cooking today.
I love spring in terms of seasons, but I especially love winter when it comes to cooking. This is because in winter I can enjoy cooking with cheese. And my best dishes are meat dishes. This may have been influenced by my grandmother who ran a foie gras farm. I am looking forward to giving fun lessons with you all.
(ピエール)フランスの食卓から届けられる物語:ロレーヌの暖かな風景 ■講師自宅
(ピエール)フォアグラとトリュフ農園の祖母との思い出のクリスマス ■講師自宅
(ピエール)トゥールーズのカスレを作ろう ■講師自宅